Active students
Archambault, Matthieu (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Arctic fox activity on Bylot Island | |
Beaudoin, Marylou (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Diversity of vertebrates of the arctic tundra | |
Bergeron, Gabriel (PhD, Université Laval) - Seasonal Arctic food-web modeling | |
Dulude-de Broin, Frédéric (PhD, Université Laval) - Influence of predation and physical environment on prey distribution | |
Gaudreau-Rousseau, Camille (PhD, Université Laval) - Vulnerability of lemmings to predation | |
Grentzmann, Ilona (PhD, Université Laval) - Effect of aging on the snow geese the population | |
Moisan, Louis (PhD, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Characterize the connectivity of the Bylot Island food web with the rest of the world | |
Ouellet, Louis-Pierre (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Arctic fox territory size | |
Weiss-Blais, Matthieu (MSc, Université Laval) - Vigilance of geese in response to predators | |
Gagnon, Laurence (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Effects of winds on the migratory routes of the Ringed Plover | |
LeTourneux, Frédéric (PhD, Université Laval) - Impact of recent changes in hunting regulations on population dynamics of greater snow goose | |
Beardsell, Andréanne (PhD, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Effects of indirect trophic interactions on insectivorous birds | |
Bolduc, David (MSc, Université Laval) - Role of ermines in arctic lemming cycles | |
Clermont, Jeanne (PhD, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Impact of arctic fox movements on trophic interactions | |
Corbeil-Robitaille, Madeleine-Zoé (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Effect of predation shelters on birds in the arctic tundra of Bylot Island | |
Lamarre, Jean-François (PhD, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Effect of predation and indirect interactions on the distribution of shorebirds | |
Poirier, Mathilde (PhD, Université Laval) - Impacts of physical properties of snow on lemming population cycles | |
Bergeron, Gabriel (MSc, Université de Sherbrooke) - Role of predator-prey interactions in the population dynamics of lemmings | |
Gignac, Charles (MSc, Université Laval) - Long-term impact of greater snow geese on Arctic wetlands | |
Grandmont, Thierry (MSc, Université Laval) - Changes in the timing of snow goose migration and their effects on reproduction | |
Gravel, Richard (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Dispersal of adult and juvenile arctic foxes | |
Seyer, Yannick (PhD, Université Laval) - Migration, reproduction and food habits of the long-tailed jaeger | |
Valcourt, Marianne (MSc, Université Laval) - Habitat use by lemmings | |
Grenier-Potvin, Alexis (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Habitat selection and feeding behavior of arctic foxes | |
Chagnon-Lafortune, Aurélie (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Modeling the effect of environmental conditions on arthropod availability | |
Duchesne, Éliane (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Spatio-temporal variations of the nesting bird community on Bylot Island | |
Juhasz, Claire-Cécile (PhD, Université de Moncton) - Impact of climate on predator-prey interactions in the Arctic | |
Reséndiz, Cynthia (PhD, Université Laval) - Breeding phenology of snow geese and climate change | |
Chevalier, Clément (PhD, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Population demography and dynamics of arctic foxes | |
Lapierre-Poulin, Florence (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Vulnerability of arctic fox dens to geological hazards related to climate change | |
Léandri-Breton, Don-Jean (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Migratory strategies and vulnerability to predation in Arctic-nesting plovers | |
Lai, Sandra (PhD, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Socio-spatial organization and movement tactics of an arctic fox population | |
Robillard, Audrey (PhD, Université Laval) - Winter habitat use and movements of snowy owls | |
Beardsell, Andréanne (MSc, Université Laval) - Nesting ecology of the rough-legged hawk | |
Fauteux, Dominique (PhD, Université Laval) - Direct and indirect effects of predation on lemmings | |
Marmillot, Vincent (MSc, Université Laval) - Effects of environmental conditions, body condition and hormones on snow goose molt | |
Morin, Camille (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Effect of food resources on date of emergence and litter size in the arctic fox | |
Royer-Boutin, Pascal (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Effects of lemming cycles on nesting success of tundra birds | |
Christin, Sylvain (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Accuracy of telemetry tracking in the High Arctic and implications for estimating home ranges | |
Doiron, Madeleine (PhD, Université Laval) - Climate change impacts on plant-herbivore interactions | |
Doucet, Catherine (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Synchrony between the breeding phenology of the lapland longspur and its food resources | |
Rioux, Marie-Jeanne (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Spatial winter dynamics in arctic fox pairs | |
Tremblay, Élisabeth (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Evaluation of a photographic method for the study of an arctic fox population | |
Bilodeau, Frédéric (PhD, Université Laval) - Effect of snow cover, food and winter predation on lemming population dynamics | |
Bolduc, Élise (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Abundance and phenology of terrestrial arthropods in the Canadian Arctic | |
Souchay, Guillaume (PhD, Université Laval) - Probability of reproduction and juvenile survival in greater snow goose | |
Chalifour, Émilie (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Molting ecology in greater snow goose | |
Perreault, Naïm (MSc, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières) - Impact of thermo-erosion gullies on wetlands | |
Therrien, Jean-François (PhD, Université Laval) - Avian predator responses to fluctuations in prey abundance in the tundra | |
Desnoyers, Meggie (MSc, Université Laval) - Social structure of greater snow goose flocks | |
Juillet, Cédric (PhD, Université Laval) - Impact of hunting on the population dynamics of greater snow goose | |
McKinnon, Laura (PhD, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Breeding ecology and migration of sandpipers in the High Arctic | |
Tarroux, Arnaud (PhD, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Use of space and resources by the arctic fox | |
Cameron, Cassandra (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Mating patterns in the arctic fox | |
Duchesne, David (MSc, Université Laval) - Habitat selection, reproduction and winter predation in lemmings | |
Marchand-Roy, Mylène (MSc, Université Laval) - Impact of the fertilizing effect of geese on wetlands | |
Graham-Sauvé, Maude (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Effects of climate and trophic interactions on goose grazing pressure | |
Morrissette, Manon (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Effects of climatic conditions and trophic interactions on goose reproduction | |
Gagnon, Catherine-Alexandra (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Complementarity between Inuit ecological knowledge and scientific knowledge | |
Giroux, Marie-Andrée (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Effects of non-native resources on an arctic fox population | |
Gruyer, Nicolas (MSc, Université Laval) - Demography of lemming populations | |
Lecomte, Nicolas (PhD, Université Laval) - Predation risk, habitat heterogeneity and breeding site fidelity in greater snow goose | |
Audet, Benoît (MSc, Université Laval) - Feeding ecology of goose goslings in mesic tundra | |
Careau, Vincent (MSc, Université du Québec à Montréal) - Caching behavior of arctic fox in a snow goose colony | |
Dickey, Marie-Hélène (MSc, Université Laval) - Climate effects on nesting greater snow geese | |
Pouliot, Rémy (MSc, Université Laval) - Fertilizer effects of greater snow geese on wetland dynamics | |
Szor, Guillaume (MSc, Université du Québec à Rimouski) - Selection of denning sites and reproductive dens in arctic foxes | |
Calvert, Anna M. (MSc, Université Laval) - Estimation of hunting mortality in snow geese | |
Dumas, Mathieu (MSc, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières) - Composition of seed banks of two plant communities | |
Mainguy, Julien (MSc, Université Laval) - Costs of dispersal to breeding sites in snow goose families | |
Reed, Eric T. (PhD, Université Laval) - Cost of parental care in snow geese | |
Duclos, Isabelle (MSc, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières) - Characterization and use of mesic and dry habitats by the greater snow goose | |
Otis, Pascale (MSc, Université Laval) - Cost of locomotion in greater snow goose goslings | |
Bêty, Joël (PhD, Université Laval) - Geese nesting strategy in relation to predator activity | |
Demers, Frédéric (MSc, Université du Québec à Montréal) - Effect of radio transmitters on the behavior of geese | |
Rioux, Stéphanie (MSc, Université Laval) - Effect of wind and solar radiation on the thermoregulation of goslings | |
Pineau, Chantal (MSc, Université Laval) - Factors limiting the growth of plants grazed by geese | |
Renaud, Mathilde (MSc, Université Laval) - Energetic cost of thermoregulation for greater snow goose goslings growing in a natural environment | |
Massé, Hélène (MSc, Université Laval) - Carrying capacity of wetland habitats used by geese | |
Menu, Stéphane (PhD, Université Laval) - Snow goose survival and its implications on population dynamics | |
Ratté, Josée (MSc, Université Laval) - Thermoregulation capacity and metabolism in growing goslings | |
Lepage, Denis (PhD, Université Laval) - Seasonal variation in reproductive success in greater snow geese | |
Poussart, Catherine (MSc, Université Laval) - Incubation pattern and thermal regime of snow goose eggs | |
Piedboeuf, Nathalie (MSc, Université Laval) - Nutritional quality of feeding sites for greater snow goose goslings | |
Beaulieu, Julien (MSc, Université Laval) - Growth of Arctic plants in response to grazing by greater snow goose goslings | |
Fortin, Daniel (MSc, Université Laval) - Thermal environment of greater snow goose goslings | |
Lesage, Louis (MSc, Université Laval) - Body growth and influence of hatch date and breeding site on the development of greater snow goose goslings | |
Choinière, Line (MSc, Université Laval) - Energetics of reproduction in greater snow geese | |
Hughes, Robert John (MSc, Université Laval) - Habitat use by the greater snow goose during the brood-rearing period | |
Boismenu, Claire (MSc, Université Laval) - Physiology of prolonged fasting in the greater snow goose | |
Manseau, Micheline (MSc, Université Laval) - Brood-rearing habitats of greater snow goose goslings | |
Tardif, Josée (MSc, Université Laval) - Feeding behavior of greater snow geese during the pre-nesting period | |
Research staff | Post-doctoral fellows |